Notre Prochain Rendez-vous:


11, rue des Belles Feuilles 75116 Paris

10h - 19h

Découvrir le lieu d'exposition

Earrings Bar

A paradise for addicts to studs, hoops, piercings and other marvels


"The very dear one was naked, and, knowing my heart,
She had kept only her sound jewels,
Whose rich attire gave him a victorious air...."


Gift card

Lacking inspiration? Opt for the Lèse-Majesté dematerialized gift card 10, 25, 50 or 100 euros!

To display
  • Discovering the Lèse-Majesté universe is not a crime!

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See all products

Discovering the Lèse-Majesté universe is not a crime!

The concept

A generous treasure chest overflowing with accessories for oneself and for the
house, precious jewelry, costume jewelry and intoxicating scents:
to have fun and have fun at a reasonable price.

Beauty Therapy

Digital concept store
Precious objects unearthed for you!
Jewelry, Fashion accessories & Cozy atmosphere

Contact us

+33 7 80 94 69 70

Monday to Saturday, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.

We talk about us
  1. Slide 1
  2. Slide 2
  3. Slide 3
  4. Slide 4
  5. Slide 5